From: Simon Troup
The finale interface is just too big, the palettes could be a lot smaller.... If I set up all the current icons on screen they take up a massive amount of space!

i thought i remembered being able to choose the palette size, but can't find it now. it's never been a problem for me (19" monitor at 1600x1200 = very small icons), but i could see sizable palettes being very useful.

i have stretched my palettes to be 1 by n icons, leaving most of the visible space free (main palette across top at the left of the screen; special tools descending from the top left of screen; smart shapes across the bottom at the left of the screen). they would probably be even more useful if i had them on the right side of the monitor, where they would interfere with the score page less than where i have them now, but i've gotten too used to them being there to bother moving them.

if you select the special and smart shape tools using key commands, you can define the programme options to have them disappear when existing the tool, which might help you somewhat. however, i like having them on screen at all times so i can choose a particular tool within the set immediately.



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