On Mar 5, 2005, at 4:16 PM, Mariposa Symphony Orchestra wrote:

But I must say I'm personally amazed at the estimate of a $254,000,000 return offered in this article; the author gives no attribution for the figure's source; does anyone have any idea how ballpark the figure might be?    

I'm really amazed by the response to this display also. Estimates around tourist activity always have a wide confidence band (like plus or minus 20%). But in this case, Mayor Bloomberg estimated that 1.5 million out of town visitors came to see the gates. I could buy that since I live in Olympia Washington and know four people that made the trip! They would only have had to spend about $170 each in the city to make up the $250 mil. I could say that with a straight face.

This CNN article gives a few more allegorical citations.


Dick H

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