Richard Bartkus wrote:

With all due respect Noel, if you hadn't meant to "slam" me then why didn't
you just say that it might be due to the size of the files and average user
bandwidth not supporting it as a viable business option ?

Only because that's not the way I think. If I'd thought of it that way, I'd have written it that way.

Instead there's a plethora of pejorative language used to make your point.

I tried simply to provide insight into my reasoning, both in my original post, and in my response to Darcy. I did not intend any pejorative language, and while I don't see anything I would consider "pejorative", I regret that you saw it in such a manner.

The times they are a' changin' (Bob Dylan)

And I'm smart enough not to try to stop them from doing so. My comments were meant as a speculation as to why MakeMusic! did not now offer full version upgrades via download, and not an assertion that they never will. I know, based upon current costs, and what I expect costs to be of any higher speed connections, that it is unlikely that I will get high-speed access any time soon.

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