Matthew Hindson Fastmail Account wrote:
For what it's worth, here's a feature request I've sent to Makemusic: that we be able to enter hairpins from within the Expression tool.

The process of entering dynamics with occurrences of dynamics-text and hairpins requires changing the tool all the time: if there were Expression metatools that were linked to the Smart Shapes (say < and >) it would save a lot of mousing around. Particularly since technically, there's supposed to be a dynamic marking before and after each hairpin anyway.

If you like this suggestion then perhaps you could send a similar request to Makemusic.

I don't have any problem with that, but I disagree that "technically there's supposed to be a dynamic marking before and after each hairpin anyway" -- I've seen countless examples where crescendo/decrescendo pairs are in the music with no dynamic marks within measures of them.

I would hope that if they were to link them in such a way, that they would still be available in the smart-shapes menu as well.

But there are already hairpins you can enter in the shape expressions, and if you enter them with metatools, they're individually editable, too.

What I would like to see instituted would be a user-definable set of metatools which would allow us to combine things from all the various tools as we see fit, so that we could set up our own work-spaces, and define some metatools from smartshapes, some from the expressions tool, articulations, transpositions, whatever. I can't think of an appropriate key combination to trigger such a thing, but I think it would be a terrific time saver for each of us to figure out what we use most often and have it at our finger-tips.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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