I share the skepticism towards the value of ETF as an archiving format, as 
compared with something like MusicXML.

ETF is nothing more than a text representation of the binary .mus file. The 
only sense in which it is "open" is in the fact that it is text. The short 
document that Makemusic released describes the general layout, but it contains 
no specifics about each record. It contains no list of record types, and anyway 
the list and contents of each record potentially changes with each version 

But the fundamental problem is, an ETF by itself does not contain enough 
information from which to reproduce many important formatting details. The 
information that determines the result we see on paper is in fact embodied in 
the default behavior of the Finale program rather than any data it reads. In 
many cases, the data in the ETF simply specify offsets from Finale's default 
behavor. Without knowing Finale's default behavior, for example, it is 
impossible to determine the stem lengths under a beam. If one were trying to 
reconstruct a score from an ETF 100 years hence, and no working Finale version 
were available, it would be effectively be impossible.

A great example of what I'm talking about is Tuplets. Everything in the tuplet 
dialog box specifies a modification to an underlying default behavior. The only 
way to know where the tuplet actually is is to figure out the default behavior 
and then apply all the mods from the tuplet settings. (The tuplet settings you 
see on the dialog box are stored directly in the ETF, but nothing about the 
default postion is.) When Makemusic introduced "Engraver" tuplets, effectively 
what they did is develop a completely new default behavior. You activate the 
new behavior with the "Engraver" checkbox. For me to have supported engraver 
tuplets in Tuplet Mover, I would have had to completely reverse-engineer the 
new default behavior, which is far more complicated than the old default 
behavior. Nevertheless, the only difference in the data stored in the ETF is 
exactly one bit.

(You can prove this for yourself. Create a file containing a non-engraver 
tuplet. Save that as ETF. Then change the tuplet to be an engraver tuplet and 
save that as another ETF. When you compare the two, you will see that they 
differ by exactly one bit. However, when you compare the screen results, you 
will see the difference is far more than could possibly be captured by one bit. 
The rest of the information is encoded in Finale's program behavior.)

I suspect even now that MusicXML would be a far better choice for archiving 
than ETF. I particularly hope that MusicXML will continue to add more 
formatting information, with the ultimate goal that a rendering program would 
not have to have *any* default behavior. The data would embody everything about 
the score. If MusicXML ever gets there, it will have truly arrived.

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