Hello Finale Mac folks:

I installed Tiger yesterday (upgrade whore that I am) and encountered a few problems, but nothing I couldn't solve. I lost Maestro and some other fonts in the process but somehow (I did so many things in the panic to restore them that I can't tell what it was that worked) got them back. It may have just taken time for Font Book to find them.

Finale preferences may have also been lost, but I'm not sure, since I accidently opened 2005 instead of 2005b, but it is still a good idea to keep a copy of those in a safe place when installing a major OS upgrade.

Moving expressions and articulations with arrow keys is still sluggish and results in overshoots etc. Annoying kludgy nudgies.

However, opening Finale immediately called up the MIDI set up dialog, skipping past the "Finale is looking for .... and can't find..." dialog that used to accompany starting Finale with GPO. That saves one small step.

One good thing in Tiger: for old eyes and large monitors, you can enlarge the cursor! (Go to "Universal Access - mouse"). It's surprising how often the small arrow can get lost and how much easier it is to find with just a little enlargement.

Reports seem to indicate that screen rotation is available in Tiger, but I have been unable to find the place that controls it. Maybe Darcy, Hiro, or Brad, or another of the Mac mavens on the list, can help.

There was a problem w/GPO in Panther. When leaving it on for a long time (a day or two), it eventually caused stuttering sound and other reluctant behavior. Quitting and re-starting GPO restored normal functioning, but GPO is slow to start up, so the process was annoying. It remains to be seen what will happen in Tiger. Gary Garritan promised to look into the problem the next time his programming guys are around here, if I can reproduce the problem, but I don't know if that coincidence will happen. They are hard at work on the jazz sample library, and I'm eagerly awaiting it.

FWIW, that's a preliminary report from a user with mid-level technical knowledge. Hope it is useful.

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