Darcy James Argue schrieb:
Also, you'll notice that one of the most accomplished engravers on this list, Johannes Gebauer, now uses GPO -- and in fact was recently complaining that GPO-Finale integration in 2k5 leaves a lot to be desired, and requires far too much hand-tweaking. I happen to agree -- hell, I'm sure anyone who uses GPO and Finale agrees -- and I'm very much looking forward to the improvements Fin2006 promises in this area.

Sorry, Darcy, but I am not with you on this one. I would have given anything for linked score and parts, and I actually find GPO is a gimmick and couldn't have cared less had it not been included with Finale. Personally I am disappointed by the lack of truely important engraving improvements in Finale 2k6, judging from the blurp.

Now, linked parts and score, that would have been an amazing idea. Wait, hasn't someone else announced it?

I really didn't need the mixer, in fact I don't really see the amazing benefit of it. It doesn't improve my engraving speed at all.


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