> At 08:30 PM 7/7/05 +0200, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
> >Well, actually, on any mid-range Mac, my pretty new iBook included, 8
> >sounds is already over the top. Crackling, drop outs etc. So don't give
> >me that, 64 is probably even impossible on a top range PC.
> What's chewing all the CPU? In Sonar, I can run 64-plus tracks of
> soundfonts on the Athlon 1.4GHz system I built 4 years ago --
> using regular
> WMD drivers, not even ASIO. What's so intensive about GPO vs. any other
> sample-based software?
> Dennis

It might be Finale.  I've noticed that during playback, Finale eats 99% of
CPU cycles, even on my 3.2 GHz P4.  That makes it hard to even loop back and
record the audio from external MIDI devices if Finale is generating the

Lee Actor
Composer-in-Residence and Assistant Conductor, Palo Alto Philharmonic

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