On Jul 6, 2005, at 6:52 PM, Paul Hayden wrote:

Two questions about using "tacet":

1. An instrument is not used in the first movement of a multi-movement work. Should the instrument be included on the first page of music in the score (and then perhaps deleted on other pages of the first movement)?

Tradition says that the first system in each movement of any work (except for obvious things like string quartets) should show all the instruments required in that movement, and that movement only. To learn what instruments are required for the whole piece, you look at the Instrumentation list that precedes the first page of music--that's what it's there for.

That said, the method you propose is not wrong, it is just not required, and not quite traditional.

2. When creating the part for that instrument, should I just put "I. TACET" and then start the second movement directly below on the same page?


Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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