Johannes Gebauer wrote:

David, I am absolutely certain it won't happen. Not unless the way MakeMusic has been working the last few years will change radically.


We've already been told on this list that unless whatever engraving changes are requested can demonstrably be shown to attract new customers (in other words, to be requested by non-users, to whom it seems MakeMusic pays more attention than it does to long-time users), we haven't a snowball's chance in hell of seeing them implemented.

I'm sure the next version of Finale will have more easily implemented changing of "skins" like Winamp and other audio playes use.

They're probably working on a major update to micnotator and possibly expanding the available harmonies available in that auto-harmonizing plug-in. Maybe they'll even figure out a way to get Band-in-a-Box styles to generate entire songs for us, becoming effectively the super-notation-module for PGMusic.

I'll be they're working hard on giving us differently colored noteheads to satisfy the educational market which works with boom-whacker music.

And probably working on the ability to mix audio tracks with our notation tracks in the mixer and get them all to play back simultaneously with an expanded version of GPO (maybe they'll actually include the jazz instruments for which we currently have to pay extra?)

Any number of upgrades to attract those who like chrome bumpers and are attracted to shiny things.

I agree with Johannes that things such as house styles (or Finale style-sheets or whatever they want to call them) which can be altered, saved, and then can be applied to any Finale file for instantaneous appearance changes without having to copy the music to a new template are not things that seem to be on MakeMusic's radar as being helpful in generating more sales.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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