On Jul 7, 2005, at 7:47 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

The problem Andrew describes has nothing to do with libraries, and it
is even a problem going from OS 9 to OS X. To my knowledge there is no
easy work around.

Please enlighten me as to what Andrew is talking about.

Whatever it is, if there's a data structure in Finale that already
stores the information, there is no reason to assume that this data
structure will not be duplicated in part views, in order that parts
can have independent settings.

On the Mac, in any printable application, there is a File menu item called Page Setup, wh. calls up a dialog in wh. printer settings are stored. If, for example, you want to print a part on folded 11X17 sheets, the Finale layout would prescribe ordinary letter-size paper, but the Page Setup should prescribe 11X17. Obviously, one would often want to do just this for parts, but not for the score they came from.

My concern is that I have never heard of any Mac application in which two different Page Setup configurations could be applied simultaneously to the same file, and I therefore wonder whether it might prove impossible to do such a thing in the Mac environment.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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