On 8 Jul 2005 at 2:49, Mark D Lew wrote:

> Once you understand the logic that causes the misalignment, the 
> solutions suggest themselves, so I don't think I need to spell out
> procedures. Rafael already mentioned the option of turning ledger
> lines on or off in the Music Spacing Options.  A more general solution
> is to decide which of the two alignments you prefer. Temporarily edit
> the other line to match, space them both so that they align, then edit
> the other line back to how it should be and never respace those
> measures again.

I've decided I'll just change the clef in the offending measure so 
that all have ledger lines or none do, rather than transposing. In 
the case of my piece, it's a violin and viola part, and so if I just 
put the viola part in bass clef, then do the spacing, it comes out 
exactly right. Then I restore the correct clef and everything is OK.

> So, for example, in the case that Andrew sent me, where the flute and
> clarinet are playing octaves apart with ledger lines for the flute and
> none for the clarinet, the solution is to transpose the clarinet's
> measure up an octave, respace that measure so that the clarinet grace
> notes spread out to match the flutes, then transpose the measure back
> down and don't respace.

Thanks for going through an explanation of it. I had never thought 
through the way grace note spacing works, and your explanation makes 

You're also right that in regard to accidentals, the horizontal 
spacing should not be vertically aligned.

But the problems I've seen are rather different -- it's the problem 
with extra space, or insufficient space. I've given up on tweaking 
every case, since it's just such a pain. I just accept less than 
perfect spacing and make alterations only when it's particularly ugly 
or unreadable.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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