Thank you.  The XML files ported over well.  Not perfect, but reasonably well.  
Just have to tweek some things here and there, such as octaves etc, but it's 

I still need to do more writing in it to see if it's worth the bother to change.

Is there a Sibelius list somewhere ????


> From: dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/07/08 Fri PM 06:32:53 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Sibelius v4
> Richard Bartkus wrote:
> > Okay, my interest was piqued, so I downloaded it and gave it a brief try.
> > 
> > Initial look and feel was impressive.  However, I have a significant
> > investment already in FINALE formatted files.  I tried to import a couple
> > files and was not successful.  Even after exporting to ETF first and then
> > importing.  
> > 
> > I do like the options/templates etc.  but if I have to reinput all my FINALE
> > files, it's going to take some more convincing before I make the move.
> > 
> > Just my initial and humble opinion on the subject 
> > 
> Try exporting them as MusicXML and then import into Sibelius as MusicXML.
> To do this efficiently you may need to invest in the Dolet plugins for 
> both Sibelius and Finale (Michael Goode is better equipped to advise you 
> on this).
> On the other hand, if your files still work fine in Finale, there's no 
> need to convert them -- keep Finale on your machine and also install 
> Sibelius.
> But if you want all your Finale files converted, you're right that it 
> will be a major bother.
> -- 
> David H. Bailey
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