At 10:57 PM 7/24/2005, you wrote:
The filters certainly help a lot, but they aren't as
bright as the TGTools plug-in. Dealing with more than
2 parts on a staff takes more effort, since the
"select players for deletion" filters don't work in
those situations, and if you have 2 voices in a single
measure along with instances of single voice chords,
that filter doesn't work. The TGTools option also
understands how to handle specific text, such as solo,
and can automatically remove text that wouldn't
ordinarily be included on the separate parts.

Yes, I agree that TGTools is more powerful in this regard, although I find the process a touch clumsy visually.

I find that Sibelius also fails to consistently assign
dynamics to the correct parts when different voices
are used in different measures.

Well that's up to the user. Each expression can be assigned to a specific voice or all voices, and at the same time can be attached to specific notes where dynamics diverge or clarity is needed (although you have to keep an eye on those attachment lines!).

Dan Carno

Daniel Carno
Music Engraving Services
Quality work in Sibelius, Finale, and Score
4514 Makyes Road
Syracuse, New York 13215
(315) 492-2987
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