Aaron Sherber wrote:

At 02:11 PM 07/30/2005, Darcy James Argue wrote:
 >Save as Audio for GPO is not hooked up yet.

Well, that's really stupid. I would assume that most people who are using GPO want it to produce demo CDs for others, not just for their own in-house enjoyment.

I know there are workarounds and ways of getting this, but it's really stupid of MakeMusic not to include it out of the box.

Timetables, Aaron, timetables.  Deadlines doth make compromisers of us all.

Better a product which doesn't work as it should but is shipped when promised than a product which excels but may be late. MakeMusic learned that the hard way with OSX and all the bitching about them being late with that, so I can see why they have a "get it out the door and we'll fix it in an update" mentality these days. :-)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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