Ok, as Darcy predicted, my iMac, G3, 600Mhz handles one or two instruments fine in 2006, but more than that and I get some popping, cracking and or (and I assume this is part of the same problem) a dull roaring sound. So, I'm beginning to feel that siren call to upgrade, deep in my loins. As my daughter is still a student at Chico State, she can get a discount price on Mac stuff. Would a new iMac G5, hopefully with a 17" or 20" screen, with Ram upped to a Gig do the trick for running 2006. I think the processor is 2Ghz.

As opposed to many, I'm still liking the sounds I'm hearing for the most part from GPO.

God help me, here we go again ...


As a newly diagnosed diabetic, self denial is now my ally, exercise my master.

Dean M. Estabrook

Retired Church Musician
Composer, Arranger
Amateur Golfer

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