On 17/08/05, David W. Fenton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Taking the time to re-architect your flagship OS (however much you've
> worked all along to try to ensure cross-compatibility), as opposed to
> waiting a few months for the new IBM chips?

They didn't just "try to ensure cross-compatibility." According to
Steve Jobs in this year's WWDC keynote, there have been fully-compiled
and fully-functioning Intel builds of OSX as far back as 10.0.

And they wouldn't just have "waited a few months" for new chips. I'm
sure that Jobs was pretty peeved when IBM forced him to break his
promises on the 3GHz desktop (explicit) and the Powerbook G5
(unspoken, but still expected). This will stick in Steve's craw for
quite a long time, because he's basically been made to appear as a

Brad Beyenhof
my blog: http://augmentedfourth.blogspot.com
Life would be so much easier if only (3/2)^12=(2/1)^7.

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