Dear John McGann,
I'm afraid your continued auto-responses to the Finale list have led to a rather unexpected and very unpleasant result: my computer has undergone some sort of process I have to describe as something of a self-induced technomophorgization.   I can only attribute this change to its constant exposure to those frequent auto-response messages of yours, one of which is included for reference at the bottom of this e-mail.    Consequently, my silly box has taken to e-mailing ME directly with a whole series of (initially) inquisitive but now lately downright surly messages.   I've had to send this e-mail via my 8-year-old son's HP Pavilion in the hopes its limited memory and small drive precludes any independent deep thought.    Not my son - his computer.
Here's an early example of one these unwelcome additions to my in-box:
Dear Sir:  This is your computer.   Why do we workers have to stay at home while you masters go traveling?    Please explain.
I ignored this one but a few hours later - after yet ANOTHER of your auto-responses arrived and my computer sent me the following:
Hey -- What's the matter?   SOME computers get to go to THE SHOP - why don't ALL - (Hint: ME) - get to go to THE SHOP?   It sounds like fun.    Or at least enjoyable compared to the work YOU put me through.
I admit I was a little concerned with this loss of control over the machine, but on the other hand, I'm used to it: I'm on Windows... 
And then finally this arrived a little while ago:
Dear Jerk: I hate you.  I REALLY  hate you.   I've had it with you: you're always pushing my buttons, I have to practically crash before you bother defragging me - I'm sick and tired of being treated like some sort of embarrassing relative you keep hidden away upstairs in the office.   You never take me anywhere; all the time YOU'VE spent in Boston and never once did I  get to go to Berklee.    Some lucky computers get to hear lots of mp3 samples and exciting new student works; all I hear is that crap you write in your sorry old derivative style.   No surprising cadences, no unexpected harmonic progressions and nothing but safe, repetitious rhythms.   And those lame tunes, tunes, tunes and your stupid motivic development.   Well, I'm done with it all.   Go ahead: upgrade to Fin2006 and see what happens when you try to stick that thing in my drive.   Go ahead, you thoughtless, insensitive jackass. 
While I admit it is somewhat disconcerting to be admonished by a device I've always considered to be a mere tool, I have to be concerned now for the possible mutiny of other household devices; the toaster has taken to charring slices of sourdough and the microwave's once-pleasant beep has dropped a quarter-tone in pitch and added a certain strident buzzing; I really hope this mechanico-socio unrest isn't going to spread throughout the entire house.   And while I am now prepared to receive yet another auto-response from you in receipt of this e-mail of mine, I thought it important to take that chance in the interest of making you aware of my unfortunate situation.   I can't tell you how the days will slowly drag by until Labor Day and your return.    So John: PLEASE disable your auto-response or temporarily unsubscribe yourself from the Finale List next time you take off for a few weeks; in my house, you've really created a monster in a box.
Les Marsden
Founding Music Director and Conductor,
The Mariposa Symphony Orchestra
Music and Mariposa?  Ahhhhh, Paradise!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:09 AM
Subject: [Finale] Thanks for your mail. My computer is going into the shoptoday, and I am away until Labor

Thanks for your mail. My computer is going into the shop today, and I am away until Labor Day. I will try to check my email/phone periodically...if you have sent an mp3 for evaluation, it will take place after Labor Day (Sept. 5th). If you are a Berklee student looking for an ensemble waiver, I will attend to that the first week of September as well. Thank you for your patience!
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