
Harold Owen wrote, of: the Windows combination, "ALT-0173"

We call it a "hard dash" ,,,<snip>.... Unfortunately the hard dash is an em-dash (longer) rather than an en-dash like the lyric hyphens. It's the only work-around I now of.

but I would note that Windows fonts give three choices: a "hard hyphen", on a windows machine, accessed by holding the "Alt" key while pressing the digits "0173" on the keypad; an en-dash, accessed by holding the "Alt" key while pressing the digits "0150" on the numeric keypad, and an em-dash, accessed by holding the "Alt" key while pressing the digits "0151" An en-dash is about twice the length of a hyphen, an em-dash is about three times the length of a hyphen. Finale does not consider any of these three characters to be hyphens, and thus they do not invoke the "smart hyphens."

But I thought that now (since OS-9 or OS-X) the character mapping in fonts is consistent with the character mapping in Windows; if this is true, then the glyph at position 173 (decimal) in a current MAC font set ought to be a hard-hyphen. I don't have a MAC, so I can't tell if it is, or not. Also, I don't know if there is any way to access a specific character using its ASCII code, or not, as there is with WIN. If there is not, I can think of a couple of ways to get the hard-hyphen character to a position from which it can be copied into a Windows document.



Just wanted to let everyone know I resolved, at least temporarily, my
problem with an "option hyphen" (sorry I don't know if there's an actual
name for that character) and several "option spaces".

If anyone has a better method of accomplishing this I'd still be interested
in hearing about it.



on 8/30/05 10:26 PM, Don Hart at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi folks,

Mac '05 - Is there any way to have a hyphenated lyric start before a first ending and wind up in a second ending *without* a string of hyphens running through the first ending? I've messed with Smart Hyphen options but haven't
 come up with anything yet.


 Don Hart


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