hello mr. stiller and listers,

if i recall well, there's a notice acknowledging permission from various
publishers. i don't have it at hand, but i'll check it tomorrow at my

From: Andrew Stiller

> As long as we're talking about this, there's a question I've wondered
> about for years that maybe someone on this list knows the answer to:
> Is collaging fair usage? Specifically, consider Berio's *Sinfonia*,
> which quotes numerous copyrighted works without any notice of written
> permission to use any of them.
> I'm  not talking about outright parody, wh. is definitely fair usage in
> the US, but merely the use of recognizable fragments of copyrighted
> works in a patchwork to make something new. The various court cases
> involving sampling would strongly suggest that such practices are *not*
> fair usage--but then how explain the Berio?
> Andrew Stiller
> Kallisti Music Press
> http://home.netcom.com/~kallisti/
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