On Sep 14, 2005, at 10:16 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

At 06:41 PM 09/14/2005, Claudio Pompili wrote:
>I'm on FinMac2k6 but I'm working on a performance part that was
>orginally created in FinMac2k2. I can't get the multimeasure rest
>create to work. I've already installed the new Finale 2k6 default
>Maestro files

The default files have no effect on already-existing files -- they only affect new documents.

>My file has got a number of staves and I've used staff styles
>extensively eg blank, no notation etc. I've tried changing my staff
>styles back to normal by first clearing staff style and then applying
>the default style. Still no m/m rest.

Using the Mass Edit tool, select the range of measures and hit Clear. This will make sure that the measures are truly empty. Then use the Measure tool to create the MM rest.

Aaron has good advice, but this is the kind of thing that hits me regularly when importing older files into a newer version of Finale. Sometimes I have to resort to copying the contents into a new, blank file.

Another thing that I see a lot of is some measures simply will NOT space correctly, no matter what settings I use, until I clear the contents and re-enter the music.

Maybe I just have a lot of bad luck, but I get really twitchy whenever I have to edit older files.


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