At 10:18 PM -0500 2/18/06, Christopher Smith wrote:
On Feb 18, 2006, at 9:54 PM, Kim Patrick Clow wrote:


I am definitely a he, not a she ;) Just wanted to clarify that.  *wink*

Kim Patrick Clow, meet Darcy James Argue. I'm sure you two guys have a lot in common. 8-)


P.S., around here Johanne (no "s") is definitely a female name, while Michel, Jean and Jocelyn are definitely men, to the confusion of strangers. 8-)

We have a large foreign student population here, and even though it should make absolutely no difference in any way I find it somewhat disconcerting to look at Asian, Arabic, or Turkish (as examples) names and not be able to tell whether the student is male or female. Doesn't affect my grading, of course. Grades are earned, not given.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034
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