At 03:54 PM 4/27/2006, Jacki Barineau wrote:
>I'm working on a song that has a key change right where a forward
>repeat needs to also be displayed.  It looks like it's putting in an
>extra bar line for some reason.  Is there a way to make this not do
>this?!!  I've put a snapshot up on my site for you to see what I mean:

What you show here is "correct" practice. See, for example, Gardner Read, "Music Notation", p. 227. Read points out that while repeat signs often coincide with bar lines, they are not *actually* bar lines.

He says: "When a change of meter or key signature comes at the beginning of a section to be repeated, the change is indicated on the staff *before* the position of the first repeat bar." And he gives an example very much like yours, except that the bar line before the key change is a double bar line.

Now, if you really want to get rid of that bar line, just select the Measure tool, double-click the measure before the key change, and set the right bar line to 'Invisible'. But I think you'll find that that looks wrong.


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