At 10:25 AM +0200 5/8/06, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
On 07.05.2006 Kim Patrick Clow wrote:
Just was wondering if this looks ok. Here's a screenshot:

I like the looks of this page and the placement of the figures very much. Given that the realization is always above the bass note, the placement above the bass note makes intuitive sense.

Just one more thing about your screen shot: Are you sure the note values of the grace notes are correct (ie as they are in your source)? Not impossible, by any means, only not very logical, and if this is similar for the whole piece it would indicate that the original copyist or publisher did not care at all about them.

The alternation of 16th note appoggiaturas with 8th note appoggiaturas? I find them quite clear, and of course if this is Stamitz I would expect them to be appoggiaturas and NOT 19th century grace notes. The cadential appoggiaturas, in particular, would guide me in this.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
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