
There is no need to do all this. You are working far too hard!

Set everything up with the correct key and transpositions and then simply go to the Options menu and select Display in Concert Pitch (or not as you require).

Have your brass quintet template set up with the transpositions for the 2 Tpts and Hn (you only ever need to do this once), after that it's easy to flip back and forth between concert pitch and written pitch from this menu item. (A good idea is to take a piece you've already done, clear all the notes and delete the measures leaving just 2 or 3 - then you'll have everything set as you wanted from a previous score and layout including all your 'default' settings. After that you can always save and load libraries for other items you've missed)

One short cut for changing the notes that have been enharmonically changed after a transposition is to select either 'favour sharps/ flats' from the options menu and then with the mass mover, select the music you need to change and select from Mass Edit - Utilities - Respell Notes. It won't cover everything but it certainly gets the bulk of the work done in one go.

Jonathan Smith


On my ancient Mac (using OS 9.2.2 and Finale 2003a) I mostly write
arrangements for brass quartets from a variety of sources. Easiest for me is to Set Up the score with Bb Trumpets, and if I'm copying from non-trumpet sources, before entering the parts I use the Staff tool to select each tpt staff and turn off the Bb transposition. After entering the part I go back and turn on the transposition. That way no confusion when I'm entering the part. (Of course if the
source copies are already in Bb transp. I leave the new staff as-is.)

If the piece has no key signature but the tonal center obviously indicates a key other than C (or A minor) then I change the key after entering (with "keep notes enharmonic" option) and unfortunately then need to go through the part
to tweak the notes that should be enharmonically flipped...

-Steve S

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