That's exactly what I did. Thanks for the speedy confirmation and fix. Now I just have to start my preferences from scratch... grumble... grumble...

-Randolph Peters

At 8:45 PM -0400 10/14/06, Éric Dussault wrote:
I've had this bug also. Did you use a copy of your preference file of 2006 and renamed it 2007 before using the new version?
see this thread:

using a freshly created preference file solved the problem for me.

Le 06-10-14 à 19:59, Randolph Peters a écrit :

Can anyone confirm if this is a bug?

In Finale 2007 (Mac) we can no longer make macros for smart shapes. There are some predefined ones, but the user manual says we can make our own. (NOT!)

Thanks for checking.

-Randolph Peters

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