Actually, Native Instruments released the Universal Kontakt Player 2 on Nov. 30. We're now only waiting for Garritan and MM to release updated versions of Full GPO&JABB / FinGPO, respectively.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 14 Dec 2006, at 2:52 PM, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

Garritan products use the Kontkat player, which isn't (yet) Intel native for Macs.........soon..........

John Howell wrote:
At 9:48 AM -0800 12/14/06, Eric Dannewitz wrote:
1992 they had PowerBook G4s? Wow.......

Oops!  More than a typo; obviously minimal brain damage!

I think you meant 2002. I think you'd be better waiting till you get the MacBook. I was running GPO on a 933Mhz G4 from 2001 ;-), and I could get about 3 GPO instruments max.....

And, Kontkat player, which the Garritan stuff uses, should be updated shortly to support Intel Macs. Which means.........huge performance gains.

Ah, so the incompatibility is not with GPO but with Kontakt, correct?


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