'I must compliment the folks on this list for their kind and caring 
attitude, and willingness to help others. What started as a mild 
annoyance at someone asking seemingly "simple" questions 
might have turned into an ugly "flame" on another list. Instead, 
it was treated gently, with patience and understanding - and 
when the details of a member's visual handicap were revealed, 
I'm sure most of us suddenly felt very proud to be a member 
of such a group of people helping people.'

Well, let me add something to this. Untill a couple of years ago, my eyes were 
just fine. During the last two years, things have become much worse. I can 
imagine that I have been something like a pain to this forum asking simple 
questions, but, on the other hand, I am certain that no one with normal 
eyesight can imagine what it means to live in darkness, it is not complete 
darkness, but it is pretty dark regardless of how many times you enlarge 
something (like a manual for example). 
I absolutely want to write a couple of pieces this year (instead of being a 
mere theorist), because if it gets worse, I am lost (but I am stuck for the 
moment). I read some interviews with Morton Feldman a while ago – he was very a 
verbose person and I like the things he said. While listening to his music 
(some of which I really like) something struck me. It is as if I can hear his 
bad eyesight. I know that this sounds strange, but in my mind I see him working 
on these long, slow pieces with his nose very close to his score, pondering 
every detail for a much longer time than what would be the case normally. I am 
sure something like this played a role. Just a thought, Will 



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