I'm not sure, but I think that hyphens in 2006a work as they do in 2004. In 2006b a new bug appeared, that produced two undesirable effects:

1. When syllables got closer than a certain amount, the hyphens were too far to the right. 2. Hyphens no longer disappeared when the syllables were moved very close together.

This bug is still present in 2007 (original version). MakeMusic tried to correct the bug in 2007a, but the cure was worse than the illness: as you noticed, hyphens now disappear when they shouldn't, and if there is a hyphen at the end of a system, it's too near to the syllable it follows.

If you don't need very tight lyric spacing, 2007 (original version) should produce acceptable results.

On 19 Jan 2007, at 13:22, dc wrote:

Hi Michael,

To get correct hyphen placement suitable for a serious publisher, you
need to go back to 2006a or earlier.

I've just gone back to 2007 from 2007a, and this does solve some of the problems with hyphens, but not all. Could you tell me the "improvements" I could expect from 2006a over 2007 regarding hyphens (I downgraded directly
from 2004 to 2007, so I don't know how 2006 behaves)?

Hyphens have been a major problem since I started using Finale. It's quite pathetic to think that not only the old problems aren't solved, but each new version seems to introduce new bugs...


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