In a message dated 1/21/07 12:33:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> I have one remaining issue.
> I have barlines that go through staves (brass as one group, timpani
> alone, then the strings). As you can see though for the two last
> measures, the handles for the 1 / 2nd ending are making a very boxy
> look. Not good.
> Is there a method where I can turn off the barline going between
> staves for those last two measures? Or what would be another solution
> for this?

Kim - You don't want to hide the barlines - you want to hide the repeat 
endings. Normally they appear only on the top staff in a score or keybd part. 
In a 
large orch score they may be shown above the strings group as well or in a 
band score they may appear above the Trumpet staff (where the brass start). You 
can either disable the display of "text and ending repeats" in the staves you 
want to hide them via staff attributes or assign your repeats to a Staff List 
when they are applied.

Another issue is that you don't have a backwards bracket from the repeat 
sign. If you use the new repeat plug-ins it will take care of that for you. 
should give you an extra hook before the 2nd ending starts (which you would 
especially want if the 2nd ending starts on a new staff system).

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