If that's true, I sure don't understand why Finale Tech Support didn't
tell me that when I asked them for help. So, if I understand correctly,
when I go to extract parts, (assuming I have already defined the setup for
parts), it will create linked parts, which I should choose NOT to use???
What "Parts" do I open, proof and adjust for layout, print, etc. Where do
they get extracted to?  (Their Parts Management window is somewhat
confusing; this reminds me of the old days of the Macintosh Font/DA
Mover). Also, when I tried this before, the Piano staff (2 staves, grand
staff) got split into 2 files, and MM told me to create a new part by
selecting both staves. Sorry if I'm appearing to be very dim on this
issue, but it has become a much more convoluted process that it was in

Your piano staves should be grouped -- just be sure to select that group in the Group panel and de-select those two staves in the Staves panel.

The parts dialog will ask you for file name information just as it did in Fin2006 and you can save the parts anywhere and with whatever naming convention you want, just as in Fin2006.

Finale Tech Support aren't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, if you get my drift. They don't seem to take the time to actually read what you've sent them, or to think through what it is you're asking them about. They give a few pat answers and if you have the unmitigated gall to reply again and ask for further assustance, then they finally do go that extra bit and figure things out.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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