Hey-anybody out there know anything about MusicPress (from the software
company in Vermont)?

> hey will, no condescension was intended, it was meant entirely in
> fun, but yes i did in fact mean "hey bruce, don't generalize" in
> response to bruce's response to your response. (sorry for confusion
> in attribution)
> nothing nasty meant at all, just picking up the subtle and mostly
> unnoticed joke - exploiting a totally innocent typo - and kicking it
> further along the gutter.
> we now return you to your regularly scheduled programme, "finale: the
> final frontier".
> "ain't seen you 'round here b'fore, where you frum, stranger?"
> "well, i reckon i be from over yonder, sibeliusville, thought i'd
> come and have a look 'round, see what y'all'r about."
> "you best be keepin' on movin' there pardner, folks 'round here don't
> take too kindly to your type."
> "don't see what the fuss is about, we could probly learn a thang or
> two frum each other, i reckon."
> "dang, i reckon you're right, pardner.  whiskey?"
> "why thanks, pardner, mighty kind of you."
> "bartender, two doubles, straight-up."
> the two cowboys kissed and made amends with each other.
> [scene deleted by censors]
> later that evening, the clan fight ended with the signing of the 1857
> "no more flame wars" treaty.
> --
> shirling & neueweise ... new music publishers
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