This seems to happen in all flavours of Finale 2005, 2006 and 2007 (in previous version the "extra space at beginning of measure" option did not exist). And the only cure I can find is to turn on smart hyphens.


On 2 Apr 2007, at 10:41, dc wrote:

Michael Cook écrit:
I couldn't reproduce this one. Could you give exact details of the
hyphen settings in document options, or anything else you can think
of that might be affecting the hyphens? I'm very interested in
keeping track of all the hyphen bugs.

Thanks for your interest, Michael.

I posted a sample here (see the red boxes):

The hyphen settings are here:

The problem arises each time I add space at the beginning of a measure to allow for the expression replacing the time signature. I checked at least a half a dozen files, and they all confirm this bug...

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