Hi Dennis,

I use graphics all the time (imported eps images), but I have to do all of
my graphic-import work in Finale 2003 (Mac) because for some reason later
versions display all transparent areas as black, rendering these versions
absolutely useless for me.

Finale 2003 is before they added the ability to embed graphics in a file, so
I can't help you. All I can do is commiserate about how *LAME* Finale's
graphic import ability has been in the last few versions.


> Reply-To: finale@shsu.edu
> Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 12:00:18 -0500
> To: finale@shsu.edu
> Subject: Finale Digest, Vol 46, Issue 25
> Hi all,
> I'm sending this again. My requests about graphics here seem to vanish.
> There must be *somebody* who works with graphics in Finale! :)
> Anyway, to say again:
> I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if there is a tool I'm missing.
> As I've been working on a score, I occasionally have forgotten to check
> "link to file" when importing graphics. I would delete the graphic and
> re-do it with "link to file" checked. I noticed that the saves were getting
> slow, and then found that the file had grown to over 80MB -- the embedded
> graphics (all photos) were not being removed. Doing a data check doesn't
> help. Saving and re-opening the file and/or Finale doesn't help.
> Is there a tool to remove these residual embedded graphics? I hadn't
> noticed this before, but I do see that each piece created from the previous
> carries forward these deleted graphics that appear to be embedded -- since
> the compositions are based upon each other, I need to move them forward
> from the previous one.
> I tested a new file, imported a graphic, and then deleted it, and did a
> data check to remove deleted items. The graphics are not removed, and the
> file always grows to the size of the embedded graphics -- even if they're
> otherwise completely deleted. Nothing can get rid of these for me.
> Any help on this? Or someone who can confirm this behavior?
> (Also, an earlier email that got no responses: Compile Postscript Listing
> -- which produces the best-looking results -- seems to leave out the
> graphics. Anyone else see that?)
> Many thanks,
> Dennis

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