At 01:13 PM 5/26/2007, Aaron Rabushka wrote:

>I've always found it interesting that young children can often groove on
>music that their older siblings don't consider hip and their parents may not
>even consider music. Case in point:  my youngest brother who never griped
>about music I was listening to (e.g., Mahler, Webern, Nono) unless someone
>else was there telling him that he needed to. I also recall a premium cable
>statio production of Pinocchio (Lainie Kazan was the fairy) whose music, had
>I not seen the composer's name (and no, I don't remember it) I would've
>attributed to Stravinsky with some excusrions into Penderecki-like
>glissandi. Great for it's target audience and anyone open to music as
>expression period.

In the early 50's, we had the first record (I presume of a set) of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto.

I absolutely wore the record out, so that it only played static. That was in the days of wooden needles that you had to have a sharpener for.

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