On Jun 22, 2007, at 1:37 PM, Will Denayer wrote:

Hi Christopher,

Thanks for your answer. As to your questions, I never touched the box in Measures Attributes and I did not create a mirror. I know I need to cancel the pizz. marking with an arco marking, but this cannot explain this phenomenon because otherwise the first and the third notes in the second measure (bar?) would also be pizz.

I'm stuck then. Try tech support.

I also came across something else. I was writing a short bridge for harp solo, it's in 4/4. I decided to include one measure in 3/4. After I did this, the measures did not longer fill in with rests as they always do (I did not change the command for this). I had measures in 4/4 with only 3 beats and measures in 3/4 with only two beats. The end of the solo is a glissando which I wrote out completely in 32 notes. These notes and their signs got jammed together and are now completely unreadable - the measure did not become 'longer' when putting a lot of notes in it; it became 'shorter' when I put the 3/4 measure in. What am I doing wrong?

Hard to tell just from your description, but...

If this is something that has just stopped working, then it might be Finale bugging out. Quit and restart Finale and see if it still happens the same way. Try with a new document, as there seems to more likelihood of file corruption in 2007. Make sure "Auto fill with rests" and "space measure upon exiting Speedy frame" are checked, as sometimes certain items get unchecked by themselves (gamma radiation, or gremlins, or small children...)

Have you tried respacing the measure? Select it in Mass Edit, hit 4.

Do you have the layout locked (in Page View you will see little padlocks beside the systems in the right margin)? Unlock layout and then update layout, so as to allow the packed measures to flow to the next system if necessary. The measure will be very crowded indeed if you haven't left space on the line to allow for the new notes.


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