> >"I have severe eyesight problems, too, due to recurring uveitis. Not
> > as severe as yours, but not minor by any means. I cope with it and
> > don't mention it. I certainly don't use it as a crutch to excuse
> > mistakes." Etc., etc., bla bla bla, Mr. D. Fenton. 

Look, if you do not like my questions, why don't you just ignore me? This is 
not your list or is it?  
Fenton, you are a troublemaker. You have proved that over and over again. 
Don't you really have anything better to do than to play KKK at the www? How 
old are you actually? As someone else told you in the meantime, yes I had a 
brain tumor. I'm very sorry to hear about your uveitis and it makes me really 
laugh hard, because it shows that you have NO clue what you are ranting about. 
You should be ashamed of yourself, but, of course, you aren't. I had no time to 
do anything. I had surgery in April. By then I almost had no eyesight left. 
After that I had to correct a shitload of papers. In the meantime my Adobe 
Reader doesn't work again. I could have been away from work untill now. I took 
less than two weeks off. Don't you dare to insinuate that I am lazy or stupid, 
you are in no position to talk to me like that. The best thing to do for you 
concerning me and my little problems, frankly, is to shut up. Find someone else 
to bash at or, much better, go see a couple of therapists. In my professional 
capacity, I confirm that you need some. I hear you
 explain already: 'This guy, with his fecking brain tumor, he couldn't read, 
well ..., what the hell, I can't read so well either, well, I don't use that as 
an excuse! Well, we have a list, well ... that guy asked questions ... I 
couldn't take it any longer !" That's how pathetic you are. 

It would be nice to close this infantile stuff and to discuss something 

Dr. Will Denayer
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