I wouldn't go so far as saying Sibelius's deficiencies are "no big deal" -- to name just one issue, the inability to get consistent positioning for straight gliss lines (they cannot be reliably copied, and manually adjusting them is an incredible pain -- and it's just a LINE, fercrissakes, this should not be so bloody hard) makes it incredibly difficult for me to get output that is up to my usual standards -- and my "usual standards" are far more modest than, say, Jef's or Johannes's.

Siblelius's slurs also remain dramatically inferior to Finale's -- and that's even taking into consideration the longstanding Engraver Slurs bugs.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 11 Mar 2008, at 2:02 PM, ThomaStudios wrote:


This pretty much parallels my experience with Sibelius 5. I started using it last October for simple student-related projects, and then in January for my first professional job. And most of that initial time was saying things like 'wow, that's really easy'; 'how simple it that' etc. I also spent a LOT of time poring over the manual, but once I figured something out, it obviously went much faster. I'm at the point now where I'm only using Finale for projects that start with it. All new projects are in Sibelius.

On one rather large project, a Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, I couldn't believe how much easier page layout was. I estimated it took my 1/4 of the time it would have in Finale. Another project was for a client doing various music examples for an educational presentation, and that REALLY made me get into the bowels of the program and scope out a lot of things. It does have some shortcomings, but not anything that's unworkable. And at least I have faith that the developers are actually listening to me when I make a suggestion or point out a deficiency.

There are a lot of things Sibelius does differently, but once you get use to them, I find it's no big deal.

J D  Thomas
Finale mailing list

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