Dear Finale Listers,
I have received some interest in this from some of you on this list in the past, and I have contacted those individually, but I thought I would send another message about this year's event to the List in general. Please excuse the duplicates.
I am hoping you will join us for the Northwoods Jazz Camp this year. As you know, this is a 4-day camp for adults (21 and above) at the northern Wisconsin Holiday Acres Resort. I think you would get a lot out of it, and the hang with the professional musician staff is always fun for the students. The dates are the evening of Wednesday, May 14 through the night of Saturday, May 17. The new feature this year is that we will have a big band made up of students AND faculty which will play part of the concert on Saturday night. The faculty is Clay Jenkins (trumpet), Scott Whitfield (trombone), Tom Hynes (guitar), Lee Tomboulian (piano), Jeff Campbell (bass), Tim Davis (drums), Betty Tomboulian (vocals), and myself (saxophones). If you want to join us, I urge you to enroll now. I am attaching the camp flyer (PDF) (this probably won't transmit on a group e-mail list) and I suggest you check out the website.
All the best,
KIM Richmond
The website for the Northwoods Jazz Camp/Jazz Party is:

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