Kim Richmond / 08.4.9 / 0:22 AM wrote:

>After installation I had 24 GB  
>available. I worked on a piece last night for about 2 hours. I leave  
>my computer on at night. When I got up this morning my computer said  
>the disk was full.
>       I thought I had saved the new piece last night, but when I tried to  
>quit it this morning, it wouldn't SAVE, saying there was not enough  
>disk space. So I lost the 2 hours of work. Now my disk says it has  
>only 3 GB of free space.

First of all, if you left it over night, it won't be log file since log
file would be zipped up and turned over at 3:15AM unless you hacked cron

Did you reboot to see if the available space changed?  I believe 21GB of
memory leak is also unusual unless you were running some beta software
which went to  inf loop.

My first suspicion goes to someone hacked on your OS for Spamming
others, depending on your network/OS security level.  My 2nd guess goes
to cache files.  Something went south and was unable to flash caches. 
Tools such as Onyx could clean caches.

You can also search files by date to see recent activity.  Tools like
EasyFind will help you on this.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
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