On Jun 18, 2008, at 5:16 PM, Henry E. Howey wrote:

After various pastes between staves, I am findind rests appearing in bars
where the Voice 2 has never been used.

These artifacts can be painstakingly removed, but they are seemingly
something peculiar to 2008. I'm sure there's an obscure button I need to
uncheck. I remain distrustful of the :filters" in the EDIT menu;-(

BTW, MAKEMUSIC Support "fixed" the crashing after pastes by deleting the
"finale.ini" file.

I can't explain the rests, unless you unintentionally copied a bit of Layer 2 from an adjacent measure, which is easy enough to do now that there is no more Select Partial Measure to turn off (were you talking about Voice 2 or Layer 2? Sometimes I get confused, too.) When selecting parts of a passage, I am careful to click IN the beginning bar to select the whole bar, then click or shift-click a second time where I want the selection to end. At least it STARTS at the beginning of the measure correctly then.

But don't be afraid of the filters. They are great. I use them extensively and the only problems I have had are:

1) when copying Measure Attributes they will copy the double barlines alright, but NOT the toggle that says Break A Multimeasure Rest, nor other attributes other than the barline itself. This causes unbroken rests, missing expressions, etc. Now that I know, I work around it, but still...

2) When copying Staff Styles between staves, sometimes the style will not show up in the linked part until I select All with the Staff Tool and choose Reset Staff Styles to Score while in the part.


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