On 25 Nov 2008 at 12:35, Howey, Henry wrote:

> You've really done COMPLETE run through;-)

Well, your reputation makes a recommendation from you compelling.

> AUDIVERIS is in pre-Alpha testing, 


> so I hope it will improve. My principal interest in it is its accuracy
> and promise of ultimate ease of use.  

I never got to the point of being able to find out.

> I have PHOTOSCORE ULTIMATE; however, it is so SIBELIUSy that it is useless to 
> me;-(

What do you mean by the Sibelius comparison?

> I have 4 GB of RAM on a "duo" and noticed none of the behaviors you describe.

I have my laptop maxed out at 2GBs. The problem is not actually 
memory usage -- it never went above 200MBs, which was less than 
Firefox was using up at the same time. Firefox was not taking up CPU 
cycles at anything like the rate that AUDIVERIS was, and I can think 
it is only because there's something badly wrong in the AUDIVERIS 

> Herve is behind on updates, so I hope he will continue to work ahead.

Get back to us when it's in beta. Until that time, I don't have the 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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