Yes, this is strange new (I think) behaviour in Finale 2009 (maybe even 2008).

In Speedy, you have to hit the / key on the second grace note AND then on the second eighth note. If you hit it on the same note twice, it won't work no matter how many times you hit the slash key on the other note (so if you have already tried this several times and have pressed the slash key an EVEN number of times, you won't get it to work until you have pressed it ONE more time and moved on to the other note.

I remember this behaviour as being position the cursor on the GRACE note and hit the slash (instead of the more obvious: position the cursor on the EIGHTH note.) But now you have to do it on BOTH notes, and only an odd number of times, never even!


On Jan 17, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Blake Richardson wrote:

I've got an eight-note/eighth-rest sequence with a grace note before each
eighth-note and the normal beaming process doesn't want to work.

Is there another way to beam across a grace note and a rest? It's probably
something simple I've overlooked.

I've posted screen shots of what I'm talking about at the link below.

The first image is the Finale document as is, without the beams. The part
I'm talking about is the third measure in the Horn part.

The second image is the original handwritten manuscript and shows the
passage as I'd like it to appear.

[For those who are curious, this is part of a film cue called "The Basket Game" from Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's the part where the evil swordsman challenges Indiana Jones to a duel with an elaborate flourish of his blade,
and Jones just sighs and shoots him.]

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