Thanks David, it worked, lost one hour finding a clue....

dhbailey ha scritto:
Marcello Noia wrote:
I need to create a percussion staff for handclapping.
I set up the staff in percussion mode, choose "General MIDI Playback" and set the HandClap sound (D#2)
to be on position 6 (central line of the staff).
When I put a note on that line I hear a whistle sound, while the handclap one is a "E" far below.
How do I tell Finale to put that note where I want to?

There's a little box entitled "Use This Note" or some such in the place where you set up that position 6 and handclap sound, etc. If you fail to check that box you get results like you are describing. Check your percussion map.

I have always thought that since one is editing a drum note like you did, that Finale would naturally assume that you want to "use that note" but it doesn't. I guess the program assumes that you just like fiddling with things you won't use, and so that box doesn't get checked automatically if you edit anything in that dialog.

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