I've just figured out a way after playing around with styles and groups for a 

(by the way, this is in Viola 2)

1) Set the full strings group to only between staves.
2) All of the sub-groups in the strings set to through staves.
3) Set the viola group to a custom invisible bar line. No barlines in both 
viola staves now.
4) Set Viola 1 & 2 staves to hide bar lines throughout. It will now show bar 
lines. (why?)
5) Use a staff style to SHOW the bar line in the measure I want it to be 

This doesn't make sense — why should the barline show on the viola staves after 
removing the viola group's invisible one if the strings group is supposed to be 
only between? — but it works.

Thanks for the suggestions!

On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:28 AM, Ryan Beard wrote:
> Have you tried creating a staff style that breaks the barline between staves 
> as well?  That should override the grouping issue.
> You may need to apply a staff style to two staves. First create a staff style 
> that unchecks barlines and break bars between staves. Apply that to the staff 
> in question. Then to the staff below that, apply a style that just breaks the 
> barline.
> I'm away from my finale computer so there might be a simpler way, but this is 
> where I would start.
> On Feb  13, 2010, at 6:46 AM, Rich Caldwell <caldw...@shypuppy.net> wrote:
>> I'd like to hide the bar line on one staff in a group in a large orchestral 
>> score. In other words, the instrument's staff will break the barline. I 
>> can't hide it using a staff style because I believe the group line  
>> overrides it.
>> A couple methods I can think of:
>> 1) Use an expression to white out the bar line. This seems to work well 
>> enough, but hard to get perfect and I'm picky.
>> 2) Overlay another staff and hide the measure in the old one. I've never 
>> done this sort of thing so I'm unsure of what pitfalls there might be.
>> 3) Hide the barline in this measure for all instruments and put in lines 
>> manually. Pain to keep adjusting while working out the layout & parts.
>> Has anyone else had to do this? Is there an easier way I'm missing?
>> Thanks,
>> Rich

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