Ray Horton wrote:

One could also try zapping all of the lyrics in the target file (go into
"edit lyrics" and erase them there), then copy the lyrics from the lyric
staves in each both source files onto the same staves in the target
file. (Change the filter under "Edit" if necessary.). I believe you will
keep formatting, etc, and only have to adjust some baselines. (This is
off the top of my head, which is pretty round and doesn't hold things
very steadily, so I could be way off.)

It is my experience with various versions of Windows Finale, that copying lyrics into a file which already contains lyrics produces results which cannot be predicted based upon Finale documentation. In general, when trying to copy lyrics between documents, Finale will not move content into a lyrics subspace that already contains lyrics. So if you have two files with lyrics in the lyrics subspace "verse 1", and you try to combine them, the lyrics of the second file will be moved into a different subspace, so that the lyrics in "verse 1" of the source file will wind up in the next available verse, perhaps "verse 2", in the target file.

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