On May 21, 2010, at 12:37 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

You don't need an extra measure. The "extra space at end of measure" method I described works.

I was thinking to avoid having to redraw the regular time signature and the barline, but on second thought maybe that's not such a big deal.

Thanks to everyone for all the tips on this. It was an interesting discussion about kludges.

I remain of the belief that there ought to be an option to turn off the update layout on printing, but I suppose the more obvious feature request here would be that Finale create a feature for displaying a parenthesized time signature along with the normal one. I mean, I know it's not common, but it's not completely unheard of either. Seems like they should be able to just do it without any kludging at all. It can be another option under "more choices" in the Time Signature box, along with the composite one for time signatures with a "+", and would work very similarly.

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