Welcome to the joys of ossia measures. The ossia measure is disappearing 
because you have attached it to the scratch staff. When you double click to 
create the ossia measure, make sure that you double click on a "real" staff, 
one that is not going to be hidden. In the Ossia Measure Designer you can 
change the source staff, but you cannot change the staff to which the ossia has 
been attached: once you've double-clicked on a staff, the ossia is attached to 
this staff for ever.

all the best,

On 11 Dec 2010, at 08:28, <delius...@aol.com> <delius...@aol.com> wrote:

> I have never done an ossia in Finale before, let alone 2011.  I  followed 
> the instructions, adding a "scratch" staff, marking my source measures,  etc. 
> However, in the process to hide the scratch system, it also hid the  ossia 
> itself!  Does anyone know how to work around this issue? 
> Thanks,
> Michael Wittenburg
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