On 1/10/2011 3:15 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:
On 1/10/2011 2:11 PM, dc wrote:
In 6/8, how can I get Finale to not beam together notes that are
by rests (two 8ths separated by a rest, for instance)?

Make sure your time signature is 6 x eighth note, not 2 x dotted
quarter. Or use Utilities | Rebeam to Time Signature to accomplish this.

In Finale these days it seems we have a choice -- if we want 3 8ths beamed together we need to choose 2 x dotted quarter, but this also forces 8ths in a half-measure to be beamed even when separated by an 8th rest. Or we can select 6 x 8th note but then we don't get any of the 8th notes beamed, even if we want them to be.

So the best I can suggest is to select whichever meter is going to help more of the time and correct what's needed by hand each time (it's only a single key stroke to break those beams over the 8th rest).

It's too bad in the Document Options dialog under Beaming there isn't an option to break 8th-note beams over a rest in 6/8 time.

Yet another option for us to lobby MakeMusic for!  Yippee!

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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