Yeah, I'm the one who asked last week about fi/fl ligatures in Open Type fonts. To review: Windows 7/64 bit, Fin2011; font is Times New Roman.

We've given up trying to make it work in Open Type. Now, we're trying it with the PostScript version of TNR. This is a big (many pages) book with a large print run, and the printers I've worked with strongly encourage PS text fonts.

I have the TNR Expert font (which contains the fl/fi ligatures). I've installed it according to Windows 7 instructions and can see it in my \Windows\Fonts directory. When I insert an fi or fl ligature character in my Finale file, I can see it on screen. But it won't print... either to my PS printer or to a PDF file; all I get is a blank spot where the character is supposed to be.

Contacted Finale support and they had me export to an EPS file and then distill it (I was earlier just using the Adobe PDF printer driver in the Print menu). It errored out, with the following error message:

%%[ Error:  not found. Font cannot be embedded. ]%%
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: findfont ]%%


%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
Distill Time: 00 Hour(s) : 00 Minute(s) : 00.78 Second(s)

Other than that, they had no ideas. Contacted the font vendor and struck out there as well.

One final bit of information: I get the same behavior in MS Word (2003), but it *does* work (print and PDF) in QuarkXpress 8.x.

Any PostScript font gurus out there? Sorry about the long post.

--Andy Parks
Green Bay, WI
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